
Buku program sukaneka prasekolah
Buku program sukaneka prasekolah

93 (n = 31), handball affective assessment r =. 78 (n = 36), handball psychomotor assessment r =. While the reliability of handball cognitive assessment r =. The results showed the validity of a comprehensive assessment for handball was r =. The measuring instruments of this study are built based on the level of Bloom's taxonomy (1956) for cognitive domain, taxonomy Dave (1970), taxonomy for psychomotor domain and taxonomy Krathwohl et al. This study conducted by six types of instruments in comprehensive assessment, that are handball cognitive assessment, handball psychomotor assessment, handball affective assessment, badminton cognitive assessment, badminton psychomotor assessment and badminton affective assessment. This study aimed to determine the validity and reliability of the Comprehensive Assessment instruments for handball and badminton games in physical education.

Buku program sukaneka prasekolah